Operation Manual

Chapter 2: Capturing video 23
Capture step-by-step
Here is a step-by-step outline of the capture process.
The instructions apply to both digital and analog
captures, with differences noted as required.
Further information relating to some of the steps can be
found elsewhere in this chapter. Also see Appendix A:
Setup Options (page 247) for detailed descriptions of
the Capture source and Capture format options panels.
To capture video:
1. Verify that your equipment is properly connected.
For a digital (DV or MicroMV) capture, your
camcorder or VCR must be connected to your PC’s
1394 port.
For an analog capture, connect the source video to
the Composite or S-Video input of your capture
hardware. Connect your source audio to the audio
input of the capture hardware, if there is one;
otherwise, connect the audio to the audio input of
your PC’s sound card.
2. Click the Capture button at the top of the screen if
you are not already in Capture mode. The Capture
mode interface is displayed (see page 17).
3. Click the desired capture setting on the Diskometer.
If you need to make detailed adjustments, click the
Diskometer’s Settings button, which opens the
Capture format options panel (page 252).
For a DV capture, keep in mind that full-quality
capture uses much more disk space than does
preview quality. If you are planning to output your
finished movie to disc (VCD, S-VCD or DVD),