User's Manual

Developer’s Guide SoundPoint IP / SoundStation IP
2 - 8
This element defines a table caption. The <caption> tag must be inserted
immediately after the <table> tag. You can specify only one caption per table.
Usually the caption will be centered above the table. The “align” attribute of
the caption element is not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
The following attributes are supported:
This tag defines a table header cell in a table. The text within the th element
usually renders in bold. The “bgcolor”, “height”, “width”, and “nowrap”
attributes of the th element are not supported in XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD.
The following attributes are supported:
Attribute Value/s Description MB Support
align Left
How to align the caption.
Deprecated. Use styles instead.
Need to verify
id unique_name Defines a unique name for the map
Need to verify
class class_rule
The class of the element Need to verify
title tooltip_text A text to display in a tool tip Need to verify
style style_definition An inline style definition Need to verify
dir ltr (left to right)
rtl (left to right)
Sets the text direction Need to verify
lang language_code (Ex: EN,
deu/ger, hin)
Sets the language code Need to verify
xml:lang language_code (Ex: EN,
deu/ger, hin)
Sets the language code Need to verify
Attribute Value/s Description
abbr abbr_text Specifies an abbreviated version
of the content in a cell
align left
Specifies the horizontal alignment
of cell content
axis category_names Defines a name for a cell