User manual

Constant use or isolated homes.
This device has been designed for iso-
lated installations that have no access to
a power network or often experience or
could experience power cuts but need
to function constantly or during sever-
al hours unattended. A typical home of
no more than ten bedrooms – isolated
in the mountain, snow or wild forest – is
the ideal location for Thermix to prove its
capability. It will heat up the room where
it is placed; it will light up all the rooms
and charge all the electronic devices
without hardly any noise and at a very
small or any cost. And it can be left un-
attended: it can work continuously and
without any maintenance.
At a domestic level it is very useful to
light up leisure areas away from the main
dwelling or as an emergency electric
generator if the house often experienc-
es power cuts. It can also be taken to in-
dependent rooms and, in them, be used
to charge a phone or light up a room or
a bathroom without the necessity of a
power generator support.
Also, it is very useful as support equip-
ment for punctual situations, either to
provide electricity in points far from the
base or to light up a camping site or bar-
racks (of up to fifteen dierent rooms)
without the need to start an expensive,
noisy, polluting and often delicate power
generator. Its lack of maintenance allows
it to be taken to faraway places without
the need of post purchase maintenance.
Since it does not need to be filled with
water, unlike the Lanyard or Explorer de-
vices, it can be left functioning without
any substantial damage if forgotten.
The Thermix has in its interior a ther-
mostat that will cut the 12V energy flow
when the selected temperature is sur-
passed, sending all its power to the fan.
This prevents the overheating and burn-
ing of the device due to excess of flame
or charge.