User manual

File, New Protocol. Then, select Window, Tile Hori-
zontal, so that both forms appear together. To compare the test
results load the protocol corresponding to this year’s testing into
one of the protocol windows, and the protocol corresponding the
last year’s testing into the other window.
2. Saving Protocols. Protocols are saved to the Protocol Data-
base. To save the active protocol, select
File, Save or File, Save
As. The Protocol Database window will open, and you will then
be prompted for a name to use for the protocol.
3. Retrieving Protocols. There are two methods of retrieving pro-
tocols. One is to select
File, Load and the other is to select Pro-
Library. Once the database window is opened, select
among the available protocols the one that is desired, and double
click to load it into the Protocol Form window.
4. Printing Protocols. To print a protocol, select
File, Print. Then,
select whether to print the protocol or write it to a file.
6.4 Importing Data
Equipment files pertaining to oximeters in the inventory can be cre-
ated from ASCII text files, or can be imported into PRO-Soft QA-
510 from METRON’s QA-MAP program. This appendix details the
procedures for these options.
1. Retrieving from QA-MAP. Data on the oximeter to be tested
can be imported directly from METRON’s QA-MAP. For this
feature to operate QA-MAP must be installed, and the
tab in
Options, Edit Options must be configured to reflect Re-
trieve Appliance Data. (cf. Paragraph 2.2.2).
To import the data select
File, Equipment data, From
QA-MAP in the Main Menu.. When the following dialogue box
appears, select the appliance code for the oximeter you wish to
test and click on
OK. Information stored in QA-MAP states,
which test sequence to use for each oximeter.
New protocol Ctl+N
Load Ctl+L
Save Ctl+S
Save As Ctl+A
Equipment data From QA-MAP
Procedure From ASCII-
Printer Setup