User manual

New protocol Ctl+N
Load Ctl+L
Save Ctl+S
Save As Ctl+A
Equipment data From QA-MAP
Procedure From ASCII-
Printer Setup
2. Making Protocol Formats from an ASCII Text File. PRO-
Soft can load equipment information from an ASCII text file.
ASCII text files can be created on each of the oximeters for
which you intend to produce protocol formats. The ASCII file
must follow this pattern :
EquipCode = <Equipment Code>
SerNo = <Serial Number>
Status = <Status>
Group = <Group>
Manufacturer = <Manufacturer>
Model = <Model>
Type = <Type>
Location = <Location>
Sequence Name = <Name of Test Sequence>
Procedure = <Procedure Filename>
This file contains information on one oximeter. The text preced-
ing the '=' sign is only for your convenience. The text following
the '=' sign is used to construct a protocol format. Make sure that
the lines appear in the right order, i.e., appliance code first, .... ,
procedure text last. Use a text editor or a word processor that can
save ASCII text to create the file (e.g., Notepad). To produce
protocol formats from the data in the file, select
File, Equipment
data, From ASCII-file. Select the file containing the oximeter
information and click on
OK. The program will read the file and
add one new protocol format to the database library for each