Operating instructions

Remote ID Code:
Not applicable if not using the GROWLINK program. Set the ID code here for the Growlink remote PC program
available from Micro Grow Greenhouse Systems Inc. Every ID code must be different for each Procom.
Link Air 1
To Output (1)
Select the output that the Air Circulation output will be linked to. You may select any stage of operation; even a
vent or shade position may be selected. If a vent or shade output is selected, the Procom will ask for a position for
that device to energize or de-energize the air circulation output. You may also link the air circulation to one or two
particular sensors.
Air 1 On if
Output is (ON)
Air 1 On if
Output is (<=) (CL)
Select when to turn on the Air Circulation output, or, if the output is a vent or other staged device, set the position
of operation desired to energize the air circulation output.
Link Air 1 To
(1) Sensor
Enter the selected sensor here to link the air circulation stage to. If no sensor is desired, select “No Sensors” from
the menu. If “No Sensors” is selected, the air circulation will only look at the previously selected output link. If a
sensor however is selected, enter the next screen information as:
Turn On Air if
(Sensor Selection) >=(70)