VTRAK M-CLASS Product Manual

VTrak M-Class Product Manual
The iSCSI Management–iSNS tab enables you to view and change the current
iSNS settings on the Controller data ports. Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS)
is a protocol used to facilitate the automated discovery, management, and
configuration of iSCSI and Fibre Channel devices on a TCP/IP network.
iSNS port ID number (1 or 2)
iSNS status. Enabled or disabled
ESI status. Enabled or disabled
Get iSNS IP through DHCP. Yes or No
iSNS Server IP address
iSNS Server Port number (3205 for most applications)
To make changes to the iSNS settings:
1. Click the Subsystem icon in Tree View.
2. Click the Administrative Tools icon.
3. Click on the iSCSI Management icon.
4. Click on the iSNS tab in Management View.
5. Click the iSNS Port 1 or iSNS Port 2 link.
6. Check the box to enable iSNS.
7. Enter the iSNS server IP address.
8. Enter a new iSNS Port number if required.
9. Click the Submit button.
Edge Side Includes (ESI) is a markup language that enables
dynamic assembly of web page elements in servers across a
network. This feature enables automatically if iSNS is enabled and
an iSNS server is present.
To see the current iSNS initiator nodes, click on the iSNS tab
dropdown menu, and select Get Initiators. You might have to wait
until the iSNS server updates the initiator list.
To see the current iSNS target nodes, click on the iSNS tab
dropdown menu and select Get Targets. You might have to wait
until the iSNS server updates the target list.