Product Manual (Installation and Assembly)

Page 18
Now remove the spring on the right side of each t-bracket and re-attach it through the
enclosure netting to the corresponding v-ring on the jumping mat. Note, that from this point
on when attaching springs they must be attached to the jumping mat through the enclosure
net. This is an important safety feature as the springs hold the enclosure net close to the
jumping mat.
Step 10 – In this step you will attach the remaining springs. It is important that the springs
are attached in a manner that maintains a tension balance around the trampoline frame. Note,
that the t-brackets and the springs you have already attached divide the frame into several
sections. Beginning in one section attach one spring to the right of an existing spring
attaching it in the same manner as instructed before in step 8; then move to the next section
and attach another spring to the right of that existing spring. Repeat this process until all
springs have been attached. Attaching the springs one spring per section as directed will
prevent damage caused by overstretching during assembly. This will also make it easier to
attach the remaining springs.