user manual

Loading imagesLoading images
Loading imagesLoading images
Loading images
Web pages containing images may take longer to open than text-
only pages. To reduce the time it takes to open a page, you can
set Web so that it does not load images.
To do this:
Select Display preferences on the Tools menu and
remove the tick from the Load images automatically box.
If Web is set not to load images, it will display
instead. There may also be accompanying text describing
the image.
To display a single image:
Tap on the icon once to select it, then tap again or
press Enter to open the image, or select Load image on
the View menu.
If an image icon contains a link to another Web page, you can tap
on it again or press Enter to open the page.
If you have Load images automatically turned off, the icon for an
image which contains a link will be slightly different, e.g.. Select the
icon once, then tap on it or press Enter to open the linked
page. Select Load image on the View menu to display an image
that contains a link.