user manual

Customising JotterCustomising Jotter
Customising JotterCustomising Jotter
Customising Jotter
You can change some aspects of how Jotter looks and works
using the commands on the Tools menu.
To display either the date you created an entry, or the date
you last updated it, use View preferences in the Split view.
You can display the list of entries in the Split view on the left
or right, or change the proportion of the screen taken up by
the entry and title list. To change these settings, move to the
Split view and select View preferences.
You can change the amount of information included in the
list of entries in the List and Split view using the Entry
preferences command. You can display as much of the text
as will fit (with a comma marking different paragraphs) or
just the first line of the entry.You may want to do this if you
want to use the first line of the entry as a title.
Sorting entriesSorting entries
Sorting entriesSorting entries
Sorting entries
Jotter lists entries in the order in which you add them, with the
newest entries at the end of the list. To sort them into
alphabetical or date order:
1. Tap the Sort button on the Toolbar or select the command
from the Tools menu.
2. Specify how you wish to sort the entries, e.g. alphabetically
or by date.
3. Specify whether to sort the entries in ascending or
descending order. For date ordering, ascending order means
that Jotter lists the most recently added or updated entries