user manual

Setting upSetting up
Setting upSetting up
Setting up
You can use free input dialling straight away, though you should
remember to add any dial-out code (this is often a ‘9’) required
to obtain an outside line if you are calling from a building that has
a private exchange.
If you have already entered a telephone number in Contacts,
Data or Agenda, you can set up the netBook to include the dial-
out code only when you need to. You can also set up the
netBook so that the correct international prefixes and area codes
are used when dialling.
To do this:
1. In the System Screen, tap on the Control panel button on
the Toolbar or select the command from the Tools menu,
and select the Dialling icon.
2. Tap the Country button and set the ‘Country’tothe
country where you would normally dial non-international
numbers, i.e. your country of residence. If you go abroad,
change the ‘Home city but leave the ‘Country set as usual.
The netBook will then be able to use the correct codes to
dial numbers.
3. If you want to be able to dial out from an internal telephone
exchange, e.g. from your office, enter the number you have
to dial to get an outside line as a ‘Dial out code’. If the
internal telephone system requires a pause after the dial out
code, add a comma after the number, and set the required
pause time that will be used for each comma that you enter.
Entering phone numbersEntering phone numbers
Entering phone numbersEntering phone numbers
Entering phone numbers
You can enter a telephone number to dial in a Contacts, Data or
Agenda entry.
In Data, you can set whether a label is checked when the
netBook looks for telephone numbers to dial.
To include a label in the search: select the Change labels
command from the Tools menu, select the label and press the
Edit button. Then, press the Options button and tick the box to
make sure that the label is searched when dialling. You can
remove the tick if you do not want to search a particular label,
perhaps if it contains other numerical information.
Note: If it appears that the netBook does not find a telephone
number you have entered in a Data entry, it may be that the label
is not being searched. Follow the instructions above to ensure
that the label is included in the search.
Note: You can enter a telephone number anywhere in an Agenda
entry, but try to avoid mixing telephone numbers and other
numbers in the same entry.
For numbers in your own country, you should include the
required area code in the telephone number. For international
numbers, you should include the international prefix (or use a +
instead) and the required national code. If you don’t know the
national code for a particular country, you can look it up in the
Time program. You can use numerous other characters (e.g.
brackets or a hyphen) to separate parts of the number.Donot
use a comma as this represents a pause when dialling.