Technical Manual

Unlike the BLC setting, there are four separate areas where the user
can activate HSBLC.
Use the Select option to chose which area to configure. The
selected area will flash.
Use Display to activate or deactivate that area. Pushing in on the
control button opens a menu that allows you to move and resize the
area in the same manner as with the BLC setting.
Level adjusts the sensitivity of all the areas with a range of 1 to 100.
You can set HSBLC operate constantly, or just at night using the
Mode setting. If set to Night, HSBLC will only be active when the
camera’s LEDs are on.
While the visible mask is useful in configuring the area for the camera to compensate, some users may find it distracting. Use the
Black Mask option to turn off the mask without changing the compensation settings.
Default will restore the factory settings for HSBLC.
There are seven modes available for determining how your camera processes and displays color:
ATW - Automatic Tracking White Balance. This is the default the camera constantly analyses and adjusts to create a neutral white
balance. Colors may be slightly underexposed but generally accurate. Several settings can be modified, but the most significant is
the Environment setting which adjusts the white balance based on the light source. Daylight generally has a bluish tint while indoor
lighting will tend towards yellow (light bulbs) or green (fluorescent).
AWC-SET - Auto White Balance Control. Using this locks in the white balance at its current level. This can be set by holding a piece of
white paper in front of the camera. Pushing the button will then establish the white balance. Use this when the lighting is constantly
changing or the area surrounding the object under observation is over- or under-lit
Indoor - This adjusts the color range to compensate for typical indoor lighting sources which have a yellowish tint.
Outdoor - Outdoor lighting generally has a bluish tint from the atmosphere so this setting adjusts for that.
Manual - This is the best option when the camera is mounted in a location with unchanging lighting. When this is selected, the user
can manually adjust the blue and red levels.