Technical Manual

this function can be used to modify staff clock-in time, click “handle
coming late collectively” on the down drag menu, and the following
dialog box will pop up:
In the department option, select the department to which the staff
who come late collectively belong and then click the staff that you want
to select in the staff option box, if you want choose staff more than one,
you can click the mouse while press Ctrl key. Click selected all buttons
to select all staff, click cancel all buttons to call off all selected staff.
Selected style consist of ‘coming late collectively’ and ‘leaving
early collectively’, when you select, only lift-click on item you are select.
Neglect clock-in record means to neglect selected staff all clock-in
record during the time period defined by the form time box and the to
time box, clock-in time after modification means the time of the clock-in
records to be adds in.
Click ‘OK’ button to delete all neglect clock-in records or add
clock-in record after modification, and to return the main menu.
Click ‘cancel’ to abandon this action and return main menu.
3.2.6 Handle leaving early collectively
If part or all of the staff of one department leaving early with reason ,
this function can be used to modify staff clock-out time, the operation
process is the same with to handle coming late collectively , it is only to
select leaving early collectively.