Technical Manual

1. Export to files
it can export four file style: secret attendance data (*.abt),
attendance check-in data (*.txt), back up attendance data
(*.attbackup.mdb) and attendance system database file (*.mdb)
button, a file manger menu will pop up confirm the path and file
name for the back file and click open.
2. Export to databases
This option means to back up all data, such as staff information shift
information and clock-in record to a database file. Click quickly selects
database file button and you will open a file manger menu. Confirm the
path and file name for the back up and click open.
If your database is SQL Server database, click
button to begin
setting, for detailed please see Database setup
Notice you must choose a new filename if the file has existed the
system will suggest you to define new file name.
Exporting record will not lead to clean data in database.
After finish to export data, click ‘X’ up-right concern, return main