User manual

E na ble ha rd disk s ta nd by m o de
This option allows the hard drives on the NAS to enter standby mode if there is no disk access within
the specified period.
E na ble lig ht sig na l a le rt whe n the fre e s iz e o f SA T A d is k is le ss tha n the v a lue :
The status LED flashes red and green when this option is turned on and the free space of the SATA hard
drive is less than the value. The valid range of the value is 1-51200 MB.
E na ble write c a c he (E XT 4 o nly )
If the disk volume of the NAS is formatted as EXT4, turn on this option for higher write performance.
Note that an unexpected system shutdown may lead to incomplete data transfer when data write is in
process. This option will be turned off when any of the following services is enabled: Download Station,
MySQL service, user quota, and Surveillance Station. You are recommended to turn this option off if the
NAS is set as a shared storage in a virtualized or clustered environment.
E na ble a la rm buzze r
Turn on this option to allow the alarm buzzer to beep when certain system operations (startup,
shutdown, or firmware upgrade) are executed or system events (error or warning) occur.
Sm a rt F a n Co n fig ur a tio n
(i) Enable smart fan (recommended)
Select to use the default smart fan settings or define the settings manually. When the system
default settings are selected, the fan rotation speed will be automatically adjusted when the NAS
temperature, CPU temperature, and hard drive temperature meet the criteria. It is recommended
to enable this option.
(ii) Set fan rotation speed manually
By manually setting the fan rotation speed, the fan rotates at the defined speed continuously.