
Feature DLTtape IV LTO Ultrium 1 LTO Ultrium 2 Super DLTtape I
Media Operating Relative
20% to 80%
(max. Gradient:
20% to 80% (max.
Gradient: 10%/Hr)
20% to 80% (max.
Gradient: 10%/Hr)
20% to 80% (max.
Gradient: 10%/Hr)
Media Operating Maximum
Wet Bulb Temp.
26ºC 26ºC 26ºC 25ºC
Uncorrected Bit Error Rate 1 x 10
bits read < 1 in 10
bits < 1 in 10
bits 1 x 10
bits read
Loads/Unloads 15,000 minimum 300,000 (no
300,000 (no thread) 15,000 minimum
Tape Drive Cleaning
Cleaning cartridges can be put into any open slot in the library. Once the library performs an inventory, it
identifies to the application software where the cartridge is for accessibility. The Sun StorEdge L25 and
L100 tape libraries do not have auto-clean features. It is up to the ISV to initiate a cleaning requirement.
When the drive requires cleaning, it sends a "cleaning required" message to the host.
Note: A bad tape may trigger a cleaning request message. However, this does not mean the head needs
cleaning, since the next good tape loaded resets the cleaning request message. If the tape cleaning
message keeps appearing, the drive needs to be cleaned.
Just the Facts May 2003 17