User`s guide

Partition Report Screens
96116 Revision: KA Chapter 6 Library Partitioning 231
Click to print the report on a selected printer.
Save to File
Click to save the report to a designated comma-separated text file (.csv extension).
Comma-separated files can be opened by a variety of spreadsheet and database
Click to refresh the SL Console partition workspace with current data from the
library controller database. All uncommitted partition changes you have made
during this SL Console login session will be discarded. The Partition Refresh popup
appears, prompting you to confirm the refresh.
? (Help)
Click to display online help for the screen.
See Also
Partitions—Reports—Host Connections Summary
Partitions—Reports—Orphaned Cartridge Report
Partitions—Reports—Partition Details
Partitions—Reports—Partition Summary