Installation manual

Security monitors/auditing: tiger, logcheck, tripwire
Spam filters: junkbuster
Spelling checkers: look, ispell, spell
Spreadsheet: soffice, gnumeric
System configuration utilities: linuxconf, gnomecc, sysctl
System performance utilities: gtop, top, sar, vmstat, iostat
Terminal emulators: gnome-terminal, rxvt, konsole
Text editors: ed, emacs, gvim, vi, vim
Text to Audio converters: catspeech
User account creation and modification: useradd, userdel, usermod
Virus scan: antivir, amavis, avguard, tkave
Windows emulators: vmware, wine
Word Processing: soffice, xwp, abiword
Note that for many of software application categories, there are different software packages available, allowing
you to choose the software that best fits your specific needs.
There are thousands of free software packages, which are easily available, for use in solving your specific
application requirements.
If you want to write your own custom applications, there are many programming languages and tools available
for use. Some of them are: C/C++, Fortran, awk, python, perl, grep, tcl, tk, gtk
The Linux shells provide a robust and flexible environment for designing, customizing, and automating your
May 3, 2001
Paper 183