Installation manual

12) Open a terminal window.
13) These instructions assume that your shell is: /bin/bash. Your shell can be viewed by typing:
echo $SHELL
If this is not your shell, substitute the appropriate file name for all following references to .bash_profile
14) Edit the .bash_profile file in your home directory, and insert the following lines into this file (Note
that the lines beginning with a # are comments, and can be omitted):
# The definition for ORACLE_BASE must match the beginning of the first mount point
# defined in the above step 8:
ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle; export ORACLE_BASE
# The definition for ORACLE_HOME must match the first
# mount point defined in the above step 8:
# If you get an error saying that you cannot get to Oracle from a user account which is
# different from the oracle one, you do not have LD_LIBRARY_PATH set correctly. As
# an alternative to setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH, you can add the fully-qualified path
# to $ORACLE_HOME/lib to the /etc/ file, and then run ldconfig (as root).
# NLS_LANG specifies the storage character set to be used when installing or creating a
# database. If you are using a language other than US English, change the "american" in the
# following NLS_LANG definition to your desired language. National Language Support is
# described in detail in the "Oracle 8i Server Concepts" and "Oracle 8i Server Reference"
# manuals. Some possible values for the NLS_LANG definition can be one of the following:
# Language NLS_LANG value
# ------------------------ --------------------------
# US English american
# Arabic arabic
# Brazilian Portugese "brazilian portugese"
# Canadian French frc
# Czech czech
# Danish danish
# Dutch dutch
# Finnish finnish
# French french
# German german
# Hungarian hungarian
# Icelandic is
# Italian italian
# Japanese japanese
# Korean korean
# Lithuanian lt
# Mexican Spanish esm
# Norweigan norweigan
# Polish polish
# Portugese portugese