Server User Manual

Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference
100 nsSaslMapFilterTemplate
This attribute contains the search filter template used in SASL identity mapping.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=mapping_name, cn=mapping, cn=sasl,
Valid Values Any string
Default Value
Syntax IA5String
Example nsSaslMapFilterTemplate: (cn=\1) nsSaslMapRegexString
This attribute contains a regular expression used to map SASL identity strings.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=mapping_name, cn=mapping, cn=sasl,
Valid Values Any valid regular expression
Default Value
Syntax IA5String
Example nsSaslMapRegexString: \(.*\)
2.3.13. cn=SNMP
SNMP configuration attributes are stored under cn=SNMP,cn=config. The cn=SNMP entry is an
instance of the nsSNMP object class. nssnmpenabled
This attribute sets whether SNMP is enabled.
Parameter Description
Entry DN cn=SNMP, cn=config
Valid Values on | off
Default Value on
Syntax DirectoryString
Example nssnmpenabled: off nssnmporganization
This attribute sets the organization to which the Directory Server belongs.