Server User Manual

Default Access Logging Content
targetPosition:contentCount (resultCode)
The example below highlights the VLV-specific entries:
[07/May/2009:11:43:29 -0700] conn=877 op=8530 SRCH base="(ou=People)" scope=2 filter="(uid=*)"
[07/May/2009:11:43:29 -0700] conn=877 op=8530 SORT uid
[07/May/2009:11:43:29 -0700] conn=877 op=8530 VLV 0:5:0210 10:5397 (0)
[07/May/2009:11:43:29 -0700] conn=877 op=8530 RESULT err=0 tag=101 nentries=1 etime=0
In the above example, the first part, 0:5:0210, is the VLV request information:
The beforeCount is 0.
The afterCount is 5.
The value is 0210.
The second part, 10:5397 (0), is the VLV response information:
The targetPosition is 10.
The contentCount is 5397.
The (resultCode) is (0).
Search Scope
The entry scope=n defines the scope of the search performed, and n can have a value of 0, 1, or 2.
0 for base search
1 for one-level search
2 for subtree search
For more information about search scopes, see "Using ldapsearch" in Appendix B, "Finding Directory
Entries", in the Red Hat Directory Server Administrator's Guide.
Extended Operation OID
An extended operation OID, such as EXT oid="2.16.840.1.113730.3.5.3" or EXT
oid="2.16.840.1.113730.3.5.5" in Example 5.1, “Example Access Log”, provides the OID
of the extended operation being performed. Table 5.2, “LDAPv3 Extended Operations Supported by
Directory Server” provides a partial list of LDAPv3 extended operations and their OIDs supported in
Directory Server.
Extended Operation Name Description OID
Directory Server Start
Replication Request
Sent by a replication initiator
to indicate that a replication
session is requested.
Directory Server Replication
Sent by a replication
responder in response to a
Start Replication Request
Extended Operation or an End
Replication Request Extended