User guide

DataDirect Networks SFAOS Release Notes Revision A1 | 12
app bind stack 32770 ioc 34560
app bind stack 32770 ioc 34561
app bind stack 32771 ioc 34560
app bind stack 32771 ioc 34561
Now, shut down and start up the VMs/stacks again using CLUI. After they boot up,
you can configure networking on the virtual machines.
Suggested Ethernet Ordering in Virtual Machines for SFA12K-20E
For new installations, DDN recommends the following virtual machine Ethernet
ordering starting in SFA OS 2.0.0.
o VM eth0: virtual function interface associated with controller’s first port
o VM eth1: virtual function interface associated with controller's 2nd port
o VM eth2: user mode networking support (provides port 555x ssh
Ethernet interface numbers larger than eth2 may be associated with Mellanox cards
operating in 10G/40G mode.
Controller eth0 (and VM eth0) are meant to be connected to the customer network
and may also be used by DDN Solutions like GRIDScaler for network management.
Controller eth1 (and VM eth1) are reserved for DirectMon.
Starting with EXAScaler 1.6.1 and GRIDScaler 2.0.0, this naming and usage
convention is used and configured as part of the ISO installation process.
The SFA OS User Guide has more information on Ethernet interface configuration
for controllers and VMs.
On the SFA12K-20E only, ConnectX3 HCA IB read and write performance drops on
PCI bus 1 when the message size is greater than 128 KiB.
5.3 SFA12KX, SFA12K-40, SFA12K-20, and SFA10K-X
Some sequential read workloads with request sizes between 128 KB and 1024 KB may
require enabling read ahead caching (prefetch) to obtain full performance.
To improve failover time with RHEL 6.x and Qlogic cards, the following is
recommended to enable the QLogic driver to react quickly to a loss of path:
Qlogic driver:
Add the parameter ‘ql2xasynctmfenable=1’ to /etc/modprobe.d/modprobe.conf
Example line in modprobe.conf:
options qla2xxx ql2xfwloadbin=1 ql2xqfullrampup=15 ql2xasynctmfenable=1
To improve failover time and to prevent I/O errors, the following settings in
multipath.conf are recommended:
(These settings can be changed for the defaults section which will apply to all
devices, or just under the SFA devices):
checker_timeout 5
dev_loss_tmo 10
fast_io_fail_tmo 5
These settings are included in the DDN multipath package version 1.5-5 and above.