System information

Known Issues in Greenplum Database 11
Greenplum Database Release Notes
16519 Backup and
Limited data restore functionality and/or restore performance issues can occur
when restoring tables from a full database backup where the default backup
directory was not used.
In order to restore from backup files not located in the default directory you can use
to point to another host and directory. This is not possible however, if you
want to point to a different directory on the same host (NFS for example).
Workaround: Define a symbolic link from the default dump directory to the
directory used for backup, as shown in the following example:
1. Perform a full Database Backup to a specific NFS directory:
$ gpcrondump -x <db_name> -z -u /backup/DCA-93 -a
2. Create a file listing the segment servers:
$ vi /home/gpadmin/segments
3. Remove the relevant date folder from db_dumps directories on the master and
$ rm -r /data/master/gpseg-1/db_dumps/20120619
$ gpssh -f segments 'rm -r
$ gpssh -f segments 'rm -r
4. Create a symbolic link between the master and segment directories and the
directory to which you backed up in step 1. Only the master and sdw1 was
shown here, write a script for the remaining segments:
$ ln -s /backup/DCA-93/db_dumps/20120619
$ gpssh -h sdw1 'ln -s /backup/DCA-93/db_dumps/20120619
$ gpssh -h sdw1 'ln -s /backup/DCA-93/db_dumps/20120619
$ gpssh -h sdw1 'ln -s /backup/DCA-93/db_dumps/20120619
$ gpssh -h sdw1 'ln -s /backup/DCA-93/db_dumps/20120619
$ gpssh -h sdw1 'ln -s /backup/DCA-93/db_dumps/20120619
$ gpssh -h sdw1 'ln -s /backup/DCA-93/db_dumps/20120619
5. Restore from backup files:
$ gpdbrestore -t 20120619061835 -T <schema.table> -a
6. Remove the symbolic links
$ rrm -r /data/master/gpseg-1/db_dumps/20120619
$ gpssh -f segments 'rm -r
$ gpssh -f segments 'rm -r
Table 2
All Known Issues in
Issue Category Description