
Red Hat Enterprise Linux to Oracle Solaris Porting Guide
and recompile a native source file and continue executing without rebuilding the entire program. You
can resume running from the code fix location. You do not need to relink or reload to continue
debugging. In dbx, you can also navigate between threads, suspend, step a thread, and display the
stack and locks.
Tools for Addressing Specific Issues
Memory access errors or leaks (discover, mdb libumem): There are number of dbx
commands for detecting memory leaks. For example, the dbx check memusage command
enables memory leak detection and memory usage summary reports at program exit. The
showleaks command shows memory leaks when you've stopped at a breakpoint, and you can use
the dbx showmemuse command to see the memory usage report when you've stopped at a
breakpoint. Through dbxenv variables rtc_error_log_file_name and
rtc_mel_at_exit, you can specify where you want the summary report written to and control
the verbosity of the memory usage report at the end of execution.
Hot locks (lockstat, plockstat): The lockstat and plockstat tools are built-in Oracle
Solaris 11 tools. plockstat is used to find locks in applications, while lockstat will report
kernel lock and profiling statistics.
Code coverage (uncover): uncover is a command-line tool for measuring the code coverage of
user applications. This tool can display information about areas of the application being exercised
during testing. The coverage information reported by this tool could be at a function level, statement
level, block level, or instruction level.
Data races and deadlocks (Thread Analyzer): You can use Thread Analyzer to nail down
difficult-to-detect code issues in multithreaded programs. For example, it helps you detect data races
and deadlock conditions.
Identifying Issues Using DTrace
DTrace is a comprehensive dynamic tracing framework for troubleshooting kernel and application
problems on production systems in real time. DTrace can be used to get a global overview of a running
system, such as the amount of memory, the CPU time, and file system and network resources used by
the active processes. It can also provide much more fine-grained information, such as a log of the
arguments with which a specific function is being called or a list of the processes accessing a specific
file. It is a very powerful dynamic tracing tool that can trace any part of the system. You can
instrument the system by writing a simple Dtrace script. The tracing gets enabled only for the code
area (probe) mentioned in the Dtrace script. Hence, there is near zero overhead on the system when
the probes are not enabled. This infrastructure can be safely used in production (assuming the user
knows the possible overhead and impact of the script.)
Please refer to the following resources for additional information about DTrace tools:
DTrace toolkit, which is a set of ready-to-use DTrace scripts written by Brendan Gregg and available
for free download at