Installation guide

Sample lvm.conf File
# Set to 1 to guarantee that mirror logs will always be placed on
# different PVs from the mirror images. This was the default
# until version 2.02.85.
# mirror_logs_require_separate_pvs = 0
# This section that allows you to configure the nature of the
# information that LVM2 reports.
log {
# Controls the messages sent to stdout or stderr.
# There are three levels of verbosity, 3 being the most verbose.
verbose = 0
# Should we send log messages through syslog?
# 1 is yes; 0 is no.
syslog = 1
# Should we log error and debug messages to a file?
# By default there is no log file.
#file = "/var/log/lvm2.log"
# Should we overwrite the log file each time the program is run?
# By default we append.
overwrite = 0
# What level of log messages should we send to the log file and/or syslog?
# There are 6 syslog-like log levels currently in use - 2 to 7 inclusive.
# 7 is the most verbose (LOG_DEBUG).
level = 0
# Format of output messages
# Whether or not (1 or 0) to indent messages according to their severity
indent = 1
# Whether or not (1 or 0) to display the command name on each line output
command_names = 0
# A prefix to use before the message text (but after the command name,
# if selected). Default is two spaces, so you can see/grep the severity
# of each message.
prefix = " "
# To make the messages look similar to the original LVM tools use:
# indent = 0
# command_names = 1
# prefix = " -- "
# Set this if you want log messages during activation.
# Don't use this in low memory situations (can deadlock).
# activation = 0
# Configuration of metadata backups and archiving. In LVM2 when we
# talk about a 'backup' we mean making a copy of the metadata for the
# *current* system. The 'archive' contains old metadata configurations.
# Backups are stored in a human readeable text format.
backup {
# Should we maintain a backup of the current metadata configuration ?
# Use 1 for Yes; 0 for No.
# Think very hard before turning this off!
backup = 1
# Where shall we keep it ?
# Remember to back up this directory regularly!