Installation guide

Sample lvm.conf File
# The default metadata format that commands should use - "lvm1" or "lvm2".
# The command line override is -M1 or -M2.
# Defaults to "lvm2".
# format = "lvm2"
# Location of proc filesystem
proc = "/proc"
# Type of locking to use. Defaults to local file-based locking (1).
# Turn locking off by setting to 0 (dangerous: risks metadata corruption
# if LVM2 commands get run concurrently).
# Type 2 uses the external shared library locking_library.
# Type 3 uses built-in clustered locking.
# Type 4 uses read-only locking which forbids any operations that might
# change metadata.
locking_type = 1
# Set to 0 to fail when a lock request cannot be satisfied immediately.
wait_for_locks = 1
# If using external locking (type 2) and initialisation fails,
# with this set to 1 an attempt will be made to use the built-in
# clustered locking.
# If you are using a customised locking_library you should set this to 0.
fallback_to_clustered_locking = 1
# If an attempt to initialise type 2 or type 3 locking failed, perhaps
# because cluster components such as clvmd are not running, with this set
# to 1 an attempt will be made to use local file-based locking (type 1).
# If this succeeds, only commands against local volume groups will proceed.
# Volume Groups marked as clustered will be ignored.
fallback_to_local_locking = 1
# Local non-LV directory that holds file-based locks while commands are
# in progress. A directory like /tmp that may get wiped on reboot is OK.
locking_dir = "/var/lock/lvm"
# Whenever there are competing read-only and read-write access requests for
# a volume group's metadata, instead of always granting the read-only
# requests immediately, delay them to allow the read-write requests to be
# serviced. Without this setting, write access may be stalled by a high
# volume of read-only requests.
# NB. This option only affects locking_type = 1 viz. local file-based
# locking.
prioritise_write_locks = 1
# Other entries can go here to allow you to load shared libraries
# e.g. if support for LVM1 metadata was compiled as a shared library use
# format_libraries = ""
# Full pathnames can be given.
# Search this directory first for shared libraries.
# library_dir = "/lib"
# The external locking library to load if locking_type is set to 2.
# locking_library = ""
# Treat any internal errors as fatal errors, aborting the process that
# encountered the internal error. Please only enable for debugging.
abort_on_internal_errors = 0
# Check whether CRC is matching when parsed VG is used multiple times.
# This is useful to catch unexpected internal cached volume group
# structure modification. Please only enable for debugging.
detect_internal_vg_cache_corruption = 0