Installation guide

Chapter 4. LVM Administration with CLI Commands
Argument Header Description
vg_free_count Free Number of free physical extents in the volume group
vg_name VG The volume group name
vg_seqno Seq Number representing the revision of the volume group
vg_size VSize The size of the volume group
vg_sysid SYS ID LVM1 System ID
vg_tags VG Tags LVM tags attached to the volume group
vg_uuid VG UUID The UUID of the volume group
The vgs command displays the following fields by default: vg_name, pv_count, lv_count,
snap_count, vg_attr, vg_size, vg_free. The display is sorted by vg_name.
# vgs
VG #PV #LV #SN Attr VSize VFree
new_vg 3 1 1 wz--n- 51.42G 51.36G
Using the -v argument with the vgs command adds the following fields to the default display:
vg_extent_size, vg_uuid.
# vgs -v
Finding all volume groups
Finding volume group "new_vg"
VG Attr Ext #PV #LV #SN VSize VFree VG UUID
new_vg wz--n- 4.00M 3 1 1 51.42G 51.36G jxQJ0a-ZKk0-OpMO-0118-nlwO-wwqd-fD5D32
The lvs Command
Table 4.3, “lvs Display Fields” lists the display arguments of the lvs command, along with the field
name as it appears in the header display and a description of the field.
Table 4.3. lvs Display Fields
Argument Header Description
Chunk Unit size in a snapshot volume
copy_percent Copy% The synchronization percentage of a mirrored logical
volume; also used when physical extents are being
moved with the pv_move command
devices Devices The underlying devices that make up the logical
volume: the physical volumes, logical volumes, and start
physical extents and logical extents
lv_attr Attr The status of the logical volume. The logical volume
attribute bits are as follows:
Bit 1: Volume type: (m)irrored, (M)irrored without initial
sync, (o)rigin, (p)vmove, (s)napshot, invalid (S)napshot,
Bit 2: Permissions: (w)riteable, (r)ead-only