Installation guide

Object Selection
Argument Header Description
Bit 3: Allocation policy: (c)ontiguous, (n)ormal,
(a)nywhere, (i)nherited. This is capitalized if the volume
is currently locked against allocation changes, for
example while executing the pvmove command.
Bit 4: fixed (m)inor
Bit 5: State: (a)ctive, (s)uspended, (I)nvalid snapshot,
invalid (S)uspended snapshot, mapped (d)evice present
without tables, mapped device present with (i)nactive
Bit 6: device (o)pen
lv_kernel_major KMaj Actual major device number of the logical volume (-1 if
lv_kernel_minor KMIN Actual minor device number of the logical volume (-1 if
lv_major Maj The persistent major device number of the logical
volume (-1 if not specified)
lv_minor Min The persistent minor device number of the logical
volume (-1 if not specified)
lv_name LV The name of the logical volume
lv_size LSize The size of the logical volume
lv_tags LV Tags LVM tags attached to the logical volume
lv_uuid LV UUID The UUID of the logical volume.
mirror_log Log Device on which the mirror log resides
modules Modules Corresponding kernel device-mapper target necessary
to use this logical volume
move_pv Move Source physical volume of a temporary logical volume
created with the pvmove command
origin Origin The origin device of a snapshot volume
Region The unit size of a mirrored logical volume
seg_count #Seg The number of segments in the logical volume
seg_size SSize The size of the segments in the logical volume
seg_start Start Offset of the segment in the logical volume
seg_tags Seg Tags LVM tags attached to the segments of the logical
segtype Type The segment type of a logical volume (for example:
mirror, striped, linear)
snap_percent Snap% Current percentage of a snapshot volume that is in use
stripes #Str Number of stripes or mirrors in a logical volume
Stripe Unit size of the stripe in a striped logical volume
The lvs command displays the following fields by default: lv_name, vg_name, lv_attr, lv_size,
origin, snap_percent, move_pv, mirror_log, copy_percent, convert_lv. The default
display is sorted by vg_name and lv_name within the volume group.