Installation guide

# virsh uri
This situation occurs when there are other hypervisors present, which libvirt may
speak to by default.
So lu t io n
After performing these tests, use the following command to view a list of guest virtual
# virsh list --all
B.16. Unable t o connect t o server at 'host :16509': Connect ion refused
... error: failed t o connect t o t he hypervisor
Symp t o m
While lib virt d should listen on TCP ports for connections, the connections fail:
# virsh -c qemu+tcp://host/system
error: unable to connect to server at 'host:16509': Connection
error: failed to connect to the hypervisor
The lib virt daemon is not listening on TCP ports even after changing configuration in
/etc/l i bvi rt/l i bvi rtd . co nf:
# grep listen_ /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf
listen_tls = 1
listen_tcp = 1
listen_addr = ""
However, the TCP ports for lib virt are still not open after changing configuration:
# netstat -lntp | grep libvirtd
In vest ig at io n
The lib virt daemon was started without the --l i sten option. Verify this by running this
# ps aux | grep libvirtd
root 27314 0.0 0.0 1000920 18304 ? Sl Feb16 1:19
libvirtd --daemon
The output does not contain the --l i sten option.
So lu t io n
Start the daemon with the --l isten option.
Common libvirt errors and t roublesh oot ing
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