Installation guide

The message following the last colon, cl o ck l i ne 16 and d o mai n, reveals that
<cl o ck> contains a mismatched tag on line 16 of the document. The last hint is the pointer
in the context part of the message, which identifies the second offending tag.
Unpaired tags must be closed with />. The following snippet does not follow this rule and
has produced the error message shown above:
<domain type='kvm'>
<clock offset='utc'>
This error is caused by mismatched XML tags in the file. Every XML tag must have a
matching start and end tag.
O t her examp les o f mismat ch ed XML t ag s
The following examples produce similar error messages and show variations of
mismatched XML tags.
This snippet contains an unended pair tag for <features>:
<domain type='kvm'>
This snippet contains an end tag (</name>) without a corresponding start tag:
<domain type='kvm'>
So lu t io n
Ensure all XML tags start and end correctly.
B.1 7 .2 .4 . T ypo graphical e rro rs in t ags
Symp t o m
The following error message appears:
error: (name_of_guest.xml):1: Specification mandate value for
attribute ty
<domain ty pe='kvm'>
In vest ig at io n
XML errors are easily caused by a simple typographical error. This error message
highlights the XML error — in this case, an extra white space within the word type with a
Common libvirt errors and t roublesh oot ing