Installation guide

For ISO image files and guest storage images, the recommended location to use is
/var/l i b/l i bvi rt/i mag es/. Any other location may require additional
configuration by SELinux. Refer to the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Virtualization
Administration Guide for more details on configuring SELinux.
Select the operating system type and version which match the installation media you have
Fig u re 7.5. T h e New VM win d o w - St ep 2
Click Fo rward to continue.
5. Set RAM an d virt u al CPUs
Choose appropriate values for the virtual CPUs and RAM allocation. These values affect the
host's and guest's performance. Memory and virtual CPUs can be overcommitted. For more
information on overcommitting, refer to the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Virtualization Administration
Chapt er 7 . Inst allin g a Red Hat Ent erp rise Linux 6 guest virt ual machine on a Red Hat Ent erprise Linux 6 host
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