Installation guide

<interface type="network">
<model type="virtio"/>
<driver name="qemu"/>
Setting the driver name to q emu forces packet processing into qemu user space, effectively disabling
vhost-net for that interface.
11.3. Bridged net working wit h libvirt
Bridged networking (also known as physical device sharing) is used to dedicate a physical device to
a virtual machine. Bridging is often used for more advanced setups and on servers with multiple
network interfaces.
To create a bridge (br0 ) based on the eth0 interface, execute the following command on the host:
# virsh iface-bridge eth0 br0
NetworkManager does not support bridging. NetworkManager must be disabled to use
networking with the network scripts (located in the /etc/sysco nfi g /netwo rk-scri pts/
# chkconfig NetworkManager off
# chkconfig network on
# service NetworkManager stop
# service network start
If you do not want to disable Net wo rkMan ag er entirely, add " NM_CONTROLLED=no" to the
i fcfg -* network script being used for the bridge.
Chapt er 1 1 . Net work configurat ion