Installation manual

Regency Plateau™ PTO30 Outdoor Gas Fireplace
8. Secure all tall vertical supports (Part B) to Top and Bottom Frame (Part
A) with three (3) screws each,
9. Install four(4) short horizontal supports (Part E) - using four (4) screws
for each support.
10. Install two (2) headers (Part F) with four (4) screws each to complete
frame installation
If installing optional panels - continue on to next section.
Diagram 10
Diagram 12 - Part F locations
Diagram 13 & 14 -
Part F
Diagram 11 - Screw Locations
1. Bend tabs on top fl ange of side panel to 90º.
Diagram 1 - Bend tabs to 90º
2. Position panel - lower tabs line up with indents in base.
Diagram 2 - Lower tabs on panel aligned with base