Listing of the components on individual country Chemical Inventories is as follows:
Asia-Pac: All components Listed
Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances (AICS): All components Listed
Korean Existing Chemicals List (ECL): All components Listed
Japanese Existing National Inventory of Chemical Substances (ENCS): All components Listed
Philippines Inventory if Chemicals and Chemical Substances (PICCS): All components Listed
Swiss Giftliste List of Toxic Substances: All components Listed
U.S. TSCA: Listed
DATE OF PRINTING: May 25, 2016
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All chemicals may pose unknown hazards and should be used with cautions. This Safety Data Sheet (SDS) applies only to the
material as packaged. If this product is combined with other materials, deteriorates, or becomes contaminated, it may pose
hazards not mentioned in this SDS. It shall be the user’s responsibility to develop proper methods of handling and personal
protection based on the actual conditions of use. While this SDS is based on technical data judged to be reliable , FOR LIFE
Products, Inc. assumes no responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of the information contained herein. Users should
consider these data only as a supplement to other information gathered by them and must make independent determinations of
suitability and completeness of information from all sources to assure proper use and disposal of these materials and the safety and
health of employees and customers and protection of the environment