User guide

Hearing instrument model:
Battery size:
Tube type: Dome size:
Left serial number: Right serial number:
Congratulations on the purchase of your new hearing instruments. ReSound’s innovative sound
technology and design, combined with the customised set-up selected by your hearing care
professional, will make hearing a more enjoyable experience. Hearing instruments will enable you
to hear sounds that you may not have heard in years because of your hearing loss. Practice and
a positive attitude are important in learning to use hearing instruments. Your ReSound instru-
ments have been adjusted according to your individual hearing loss and needs. Some people
adjust quickly to wearing hearing instruments in their ears and hearing new sounds; other
people may need more time.
Please read this manual carefully in order to wholly benefit from the use of your hearing instru-
ments. With proper care, maintenance, and usage, your hearing instruments will aid you in
better communication for many years. Ask your hearing care professional if you have any ques-
ReSound is a registred trade mark of GN ReSound A/S
Intended use
Generic air-conduction hearing instruments are wearable sound-amplifying devices intended to
compensate for impaired hearing. The fundamental operating principle of hearing instruments
is to receive, amplify, and transfer sound to the ear drum of a hearing impaired person.