User Manual - Version 2.2 Manual

Counterpart User Manual - For More Information 81
<B [–]n,…> See descriptions below Bit fields. Comma-separated sequence of bit field specifiers. Must
be exactly 8 bits. Minus sign ([–]) inverts the bit.
B0 Always 0
B1 Always 1
B2 Configuration =1 if even parity
B3 Dynamic =1 if MODE=NET
B4 Dynamic =1 if COZ
B5 Dynamic =1 if standstill
B6 Dynamic =1 if gross negative
B7 Dynamic =1 if out of range
B8 Dynamic =1 if secondary/tertiary
B9 Dynamic =1 if tare in system
B10 Dynamic =1 if tare is keyed
B11 Dynamic =00 if MODE=GROSS
=01 if MODE=NET
=10 if MODE=TARE
=11 (not used)
B12 Dynamic =00 if UNITS=PRIMARY
=11 (not used)
B13 Configuration =00 (not used)
=01 if current DSPDIV=1
=10 if current DSPDIV=2
=11 if current DSPDIV=5
B14 Configuration =00 (not used)
=01 if primary DSPDIV=1
=10 if primary DSPDIV=2
=11 if primary DSPDIV=5
B15 Configuration =00 (not used)
=01 if secondary DSPDIV=1
=10 if secondary DSPDIV=2
=11 if secondary DSPDIV=5
B16 Configuration =00 (not used)
=01 if tertiary DSPDIV=1
=10 if tertiary DSPDIV=2
=11 if tertiary DSPDIV=5
B17 Configuration =000 if current DECPNT=8888800
=001 if current DECPNT=8888880
=010 if current DECPNT=8888888
=011 if current DECPNT=888888.8
=100 if current DECPNT=88888.88
=101 if current DECPNT=8888.888
=110 if current DECPNT=888.8888
=111 if current DECPNT=88.88888
Format Identifier Defined By Description
Table 9-3. Custom Stream Formatting