Owner's manual

Certificate Retrieval System User’s Guide - CRS Administration 11
5. Select the Customer group and click the
Select button.
The popup will disappear and the
administrative group will now show in the
user's group list.
6. Click the Save button to save the new user.
Test the new user by logging in as the user you just
created. If the new user can log in successfully
through the front-end and can view the correct
company's information, then it is configured correctly.
It may be necessary to modify existing users if
mistakes are made or as information changes.
Fortunately, editing users and adding users is done
through the exact same interface. To edit a user, on the
users page simply select the user you wish to edit and
click the Edit hyperlink.
If you change the username or password of a user it is
best to test the user by logging in as that user to ensure
the user has the proper access to the system.
2.3.5 Deleting Users
It may also become necessary to remove users when
they are no longer allowed access to the system. To do
1. Expand the users heading and click the users
2. Select the user you wish to delete and click
the Delete button.
The list view will refresh and the user will no
longer be available.
2.4 Managing PDA Data
The customer and scale data stored in your CRS
system must be transferred to your PDA for use by
technicians. To do this, you must generate PDA files
whenever you make changes to the data.
If this is not done, your PDA may
carry old and outdated data.
Figure 2-34. PDA Drop Down Menu
2.4.1 Generating PDA Files
To generate PDA files,
1. Select PDA Processing under PDA on the
navigation bar.
2. Point and click the Generate Files hyperlink.
Once the process is complete you will be taken to the
PDA processing screen where incoming cert data is
viewed. At this point the data is ready to be
downloaded by CRS-Link.
2.4.2 Importing PDA certificates
When CRS-Link uploads data to the CRS server, it
places the data in import files that are read by the
To read incoming files,
1. Select PDA Processing under PDA on the
navigation bar.
2. Point and click the Read Incoming
NOTE: Each file may contain one or more certificate
records. Once the data has been imported, the system
displays all the incoming certificate data.
Incoming certificate data is not available anywhere in
the system except the PDA Processing section. This
section serves as a holding area for new certificates
until they can be validated and approved by
administrators. The certificate data can also be edited
at this point to correct any data errors.
The Delete button in this section deletes the cert from
the PDA processing section and does not copy it to the
PDA. After clicking this button, any checked records
are completely destroyed.
2.4.3 Editing Incoming certificates
To edit incoming certificates,
1. Select Customer on the navigation bar.
2. Select the company and point and click the
View hyperlink.
3. Select the cert and point and click the View
Cert hyperlink.
The Certificate Information Page appears.
4. Select the certificate and point and click the
Edit hyperlink.
5. Complete changes.
6. When finished click the Save Certificate
The certificate is not copied to the
live site when changed, it must still
be approved from the PDA
processing list.
You may also preview the completed certificate by
clicking the certificate ID from the list.
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