User guide

telephone before releasing the connection between the interface and the intercom station. After 2 seconds
(programmable subscriber timer) the next call in personal que will repeat the process.
If the interface does not have the privilege “Personal Queue” then calls made to the interface will not activate
the dialer and the phone number must be manually dialed. If transfers are activated from other stations
(lobby master) , then theses calls are automatically placed in the personal que of the interface and will use
the speed dialer out on the telephone line. This way a motor room master may use the interface for manually
dialed calls, while elevator intercoms that dial the lobby master will be transferred to the personal que of the
interface and use the speed dialer. The lobby master may have a infinite transfer delay during the day when
all calls are answered by the lobby master. At night the lobby master is placed in privacy and all calls are
transferred to the telephone interface.
Two or more RM5000 systems may be interconnected using a tie-line interface at each end of a 4
wire connection (CE921). The connection may be a leased line or a hard wired copper cable. The CE921
may be interfaced to fiber optic cable drivers.
Manual tie-line: The tie-line interface is connected as an ordinary subscriber (devicetype ICM).
To dial a subscriber in the remote RM5000, first dial the call number of the local tie-line then dial the call
number of the remote intercom station.
Automatic tie-line: The tie-line is programmed with device type = TIE.
The call numbers in the connected exchanges must be different. A tie-line’s call number is the call number
range of the call numbers at the other end of the tie-line.
Example: Exchange A may use call numbers 100-150, Exchange B may use call numbers 200-250 and
Exchange C may use call numbers 300-350. To dial a subscriber in the remote RM5000, just dial the call
number of the remote intercom station (direct access and direct dial may also be used). The call number of
the calling station is sent over the tie-line to the receiving station and is displayed on the receiving stations
annunciator display (DAD104). Personal que is used when multiple calls are placed to the tie-line. When the
call in progress is completed then the next call in personal que automatically dials across the tie-line. When
calls are queued up on both sides of a tie-line then call direction will alternate for each call . The tie-line can
only handle one call at a time. When multiple calls are queued for the tie-line, only the first call in que will
appear on the DAD104 at the other end of the tie-line. When this call is completed then the next call queued
to the tie-line will appear on the DAD104. Calls are handled in priority order in the originating exchange.
ALARM’s from a station will appear as a “CALL” when received on the remote exchange. FAULTS’s are
not sent over tie-line and must be handled in the local exchange. Call priority is not transferred over the tie-
line. The priority of the tie-line will be used for all calls received on the tie-line. The Calling stations call
number is transferred, but alphanumeric text is not transferred. The alphanumeric text of the receiving tie-line
is used for display.
Remote control (DTMF number 5) works across the tie-line.