User guide

Page 27
FAQ and troubleshooting
FAQ and troubleshooting
How do you put music on the Rio?
The Rio interfaces with your computer through the USB port. You can get digital audio from
numerous Internet sites or encode your own digital audio tracks from your audio CDs using
the CD-ROM drive on your computer. Use the software included with the Rio to get audio
from the Internet, encode tracks from your audio CDs, or download tracks to your Rio.
How much music will my Rio hold?
Note: Due to different software compression algorithms, the following information
may vary slightly depending on what software you are using and what program the
MP3 was created by.
To determine how much play time your Rio actually has, use the following equation:
Rio Play Time = M / (S x 0.439)
M=Rio memory size in MB (32MB, 64MB, 128MB, and so on).
S=Sampling Speed in kbps (128kbps, 80kbps, and so on).
The higher quality the MP3, the larger its size, causing it to take up more room on your Rios
The following bitrates are supported:
256 kbps, CD Quality, 5.6:1 reduction.
192 kbps, CD Quality, 7.5:1 reduction.
160 kbps, CD Quality, 9:1 reduction.
128 kbps, CD Quality, 11.25:1 reduction.
96 kbps, Near CD, 15:1 reduction.
80 kbps, Near CD, 18:1 reduction.
64 kbps, FM Radio, 22.5:1 reduction.
Note: If you use the WMA format instead of the MP3 format, you can have the same
quality at about one half the size. For example, a 64 kbps WMA sounds as good as
a 128 kbps MP3.
Can I use the Rio with Windows 95? I have the USB supplement
No. The Rio USB devices can only be used with Windows 98, Windows ME or Windows 2000
operating systems, or Mac OS 8.6 or later. The Rio requires a newer standard of USB that is
not available in Windows 95, even with the USB supplement pack.
Where is the serial number located on the Rio?
The serial number is on the back of the Rio under the backpack. Remove the backpack from
the Rio to see the serial number (S/N).