
How 3D Printing Is Helping Fight Coronavirus
3D printing groups around the world are
helping to combat PPE shortages
resulting from the outbreak. Theyre using
Social Media to come together from afar.
Hands-free 3D-printed door handles and
bells are being printed in efforts to help
combat the pandemic. You can use these
safely by using elbows and arms.
Many Hospitals are utilising 3D printing
to make nasal swabs for testing. The
production of these ae being done in
controlled ways - so its not
recommended for everyone to make
Makers are producing 3D printed Face Shields and
stethoscope tubing to help Health Services and
Front Line workers.
Simple buckles - or 'ear savers' - which ease the
discomfort on face masks are becoming more
popular every day.
Ventilator valves and parts are also produced to
save lives amidst the virus. these must be given the
go ahead from Health Authorities - if not, it could
result in a bigger problem