
Do you have a 3D Printer?
As the world fights a pandemic, people in possession of a 3D printer may be able to make some kind of contribution. Many manufacturers, places of
education and big brands worldwide are switching over to face mask production. Plus many individuals are also getting involved, and that gives people who
own 3D printers a chance to feel like they are doing something in the fight against the virus. The European Commission is working with the European
Association for Additive Manufacturing on projects to produce medical equipment for hospitals tackling the COVID-19 outbreak.
3D printing now has an opportunity to prove itself as a solution for fast production of essential components for simple or life-assisting products...
Soap Holder
Face Mask Accessories
Face Shields
Contactless Door Handle Aids
Creative Mask attachments
Contactless Door Handle Aids
Remember, If you chose to make something for others, assume you have the virus, keep all surfaces and materials clean, and put them into a sealable
plastic bag to keep them from any contamination.