Roland Blues Cube Hot

ToTal GuiTar november 2016
Head To Head
How our four amps stack
up against each other
hile there are no dogs when it
comes to build quality here,
the sturdily-conceived Fender
and Blackstar combos are the
pick of the litter. The compact,
lightweight Roland and the more imposing
Peavey feel a bit more ‘budget’ in comparison.
Tonally however, the Bassbreaker 15 gives us
the biggest surprise. Clean, it has that famous
glassy tone you expect from a Fender valve
amp but the overdrive has a distinctive throaty
tone that’s more classic British rock than
American pie. The three-step Gain Structure
escalates in large increments taking you from
mid-60s Brit blues to punk blues blasts to
Angus Young level overdrive.
While the Roland has the highest wattage
here, it’s the 20-watt Peavey that pumps out
the most volume. Valve-powered output kicks
solid state ass every time. While the Peavey is
more of a versatile rock amp with a wide tonal
palette, the Blues Cube Hot is obviously
designed to capture the sound and vibe of a
vintage Fender tweed amp. Not only is that
old-school DNA present in its tone, we like the
fact that this compact amp doesn’t turn into
a slavering rock beast (unlike our Peavey and
Fender contenders) when you crank it up.
When you hit your strings hard you get a
realistic boost in compression and a sizzling
light overdrive with plenty of sustain.
Ultimately, it’s the Blackstar that responds
most like a classic British blues amp should.
It cherishes the natural sound of your guitar,
better than the other amps here, and produces
a sweet sustain and transparent overdrive.
We like that the gain on oer is quite
restrained. Bottom line: you have to put in
some of the work to get the best out of this amp
and that makes for a more enjoyable playing
experience than just having the dynamics,
gain and sustain handed to you. That’s what
a great blues amp is all about.
All three amps here
have a single
12-inch speaker
Build quality is solid
on all three amps
tonally, It’s the
bassmaster 15
that gIves us the
bIggest surprIse
the tg test
TGR286.gear_test.indd 106 10/10/2016 11:02