User`s manual

The Position group box allows you to specify where on the media the job will cut. You also can
specify the number of copies.
If you want to manually position the job on the media, simply drag it to a new location in the
preview area.
Position Tools
The Positioning tools located at the bottom of the tab provide another way to position your job on
the media.
Use this To do this
Move the job to a new location on the media. When moving multiple copies,
they may be repositioned to fit on the media. The icon changes to a hand
cursor when moving over the preview area.
Flip the job so that a mirror image is created.
Rotate the job in 90 degrees increments by selecting one of the four options.
Use the Size group box to resize the job, if desired. Enter a new width or height. Whichever
value you change, the other changes to prevent the job from becoming distorted. Alternatively,
you can enter a new percentage to resize the job.
Note: The size specified here includes the panel margin described in the Advanced Tab section.
If you want to specify the exact size of the object, you should either specify the size in your
design application or set the panel margin to 0. Be sure to change the panel margin back to a
value different from 0 before output.