Owner`s manual

Range: -3Ð+3
Rotating the knob clockwise will cause the pitch range
to be extended upward from the notes which you
play. Rotating the knob counterclockwise will extend
the pitch range downward.
Making More Detailed Settings
Normally you will create the arpeggio pattern by
adjusting the three parameters ÒArpeggio Style,Ó
ÒAccent Rate,Ó and ÒOctave Range.Ó However by modi-
fying the settings of additional parameters, you can cre-
ate arpeggio patterns that are even richer in variation.
1. Hold down [SHIFT] and press keyboard
pad [1].
The setting page for the ARPEGGIO section will
appear in the display.
2. Use PAGE [<] [>] to select parameters with-
in the section, and make settings.
To exit the setting page, press [EXIT].
Style (Arpeggio Style)
This is the setting page for ÒSelecting the Arpeggio
Style (Arpeggio Style)Ó (p. 106).
Specifies the order in which the notes of the chord will
be sounded.
Available Settings:
SINGLE UP: Notes you press will be sounded indi-
vidually, beginning from low to high.
SINGLE DOWN: Notes you press will be sounded
individually, from high to low.
SINGLE UP&DW: Notes you press will be sounded
individually, from low to high, and then back down
from high to low.
SINGLE RANDOM: Notes you press will be sounded
individually, in random order.
DUAL UP: Notes you press will be sounded two at a
time, beginning from low to high.
DUAL DOWN: Notes you press will be sounded two
at a time, beginning from high to low.
DUAL UP&DW: Notes you press will be sounded two
at a time, from low to high, and then back down from
high to low.
DUAL RANDOM: Notes you press will be sounded
two at a time, in random order.
TRIPLE UP:Notes you press will sound three at a
time, from low to high.
TRIPLE DOWN:Notes you press will sound three at a
time, from high to low.
TRIPLE UP&DOWN:Notes you press will sound
three at a time, from low to high and then back down
from high to low.
TRIPLE RANDOM:Notes you press will sound three
at a time, in random order.NOTE ORDER: Notes you
press will be sounded in the order in which you
pressed them. By pressing the notes in the appropriate
order you can produce melody lines. Up to 128 notes
will be remembered.
NOTE ORDER: Notes you press will be sounded in
the order in which you pressed them. By pressing the
notes in the appropriate order you can produce
melody lines. Up to 128 notes will be remembered.
GLISSANDO: Each chromatic step between the high-
est and lowest notes you press will sound in succes-
sion, repeating upward and downward. Press only the
lowest and the highest notes.
CHORD: All notes you press will sound simultane-
BASS+CHORD 1Ð5: The lowest of the notes you play
will sound, and the remaining notes will sound as a
BASS+UP 1Ð8: The lowest of the notes you play will
sound, and the remaining notes will be arpeggiated.
Chapter 5. Pressing Chords to Produce Arpeggios (Arpeggiator)