Roland System 500 Series Modules

Fiddlier than Roland’s
original modules, and they
don’t come cheap, but
functionally, Roland and
Malekko get it right
512 VCO Two oscillators with
independent waveform outputs and
individually tunable frequency ranges
521 VCF Two independent sections
with two 24dB/octave low-pass fi lters
and switchable high-pass sections
510 SYNTH Short on modular space?
This puts elements of the 512, 521
and 530 modules in one module
531 MIX Small mixers aren’t that
glam, but this one has some pretty
useful features
Gate Delay/LFO, all housed in a very
fetching custom case. As mentioned,
these are all closely related to similar
modules on the original 100m. The
512 adds separate output jacks for
the waveforms (square, triangle and
saw) in each VCO section, but
otherwise maintains the pulse width
CV modulation and two oscillator sync
options. CV pitch-tracking is good,
and tonally the module does what
you’d expect. The 521’s two 24dB/
octave fi lters are similar to that in the
510, but this time with a few more
options for modulation patch points.
As the input faders are pushed, some
satisfying saturation begins to occur.
A similar thing happens with the 530
VCAs. Both let you add dirt or
warmth, and sound great. Each VCA
has three input mixer sliders, three
sliders for mixing CV control signals
and a selector switch for linear or
exponential response modes. The
540 Envelope Generator and LFO has
two independent ADSR envelope
sections (with two speed settings and
‘normal’ and inverted outputs) which
can be triggered externally from a
Gate signal or manually via an
onboard button. One nice addition to
this modern version is the ability to
switch into an LFO-like cyclic mode,
with the shape and frequency
determined by the Attack and
Release times. The LFO section
features fi ve waveform output, LFO
start, reset and delay and CV control
of frequency. The fi nal part of the
‘Complete’ bundle consists of the
multi-function 572 Phase Shifter,
Delay and LFO. There is nothing like
a phase shifter for adding movement
to pulsing or sequenced synth lines.
This Roland effect does a good job,
and goes further than the original
172 module by offering a wet/dry mix
control (with patchable CV control).
The delay section, driven by a BBD
IC, is great for creating chorus and
anging effects. Increasing the delay
time beyond the limits of the Delay
Time control, things get progressively
more lo-fi , and with the high-pitched
tone of the clocking circuit becoming
audible. The Gate Delay can be used
as a pulse shaper or for delaying a
pulse source. The simple triangle-only
LFO features both normal and
inverted output jacks, and is ideal for
modulating the delay time and phase
shift. As a package, the ‘Complete’
set is a great way of accessing the
core vintage-style Roland tone, and
would work well within an existing
modular setup. One big omission for
me, though, was the lack of any
Multiple module. The original 100m
had nine four-way multiple jacks
along the lower portion of its front
panel. This made complex patch
creation much simpler.
The most exciting of the
remaining 500-series modules for me
is the 505 VCF, based around the
lter section of Roland’s SH-5, a
monophonic beast of a synth. The
505 has two VCFs and two VCAs.
VCF1 is a multi-mode fi lter (LP, BP,
HP) and VCF2 band-pass only, with
the output from each capable of
being mixed to either VCA. Tonally,
this is quite different from the fi lter
on the 510 and 521 modules, so it’d
make a nice addition if you already
have a ballsy low-pass fi lter in your
armoury. The 531 MIX module is
inspired by the original 131, but adds
more inputs (with mute), CV control
of pan and a stereo mini-jack mic/line
preamp normalled to inputs 5&6. The
relatively unglamorous, but very
useful, 555 LAG/S&H module
combines features of the 150 and
165. While the noise section and ring
modulator are the only audio
generator/processors here, the
inclusion of portamento and sample
& hold are both great – and an extra
LFO will always come in handy.
The return of Roland to the
analogue modular fray is only to be
welcomed, and the quality of all the
units in the 500 Series is high. That
said, this attention to detail comes at
a price, and the choice will depend
on your wallet. Notwithstanding the
size of the modules – which can be
levelled at most Eurorack units –
512 VCO
Two oscillators with
independent waveform outputs and
individually tunable frequency ranges
521 VCF
521 VCF Two independent sections 521 VCF
with two 24dB/octave low-pass fi lters
and switchable high-pass sections
Short on modular space?
This puts elements of the 512, 521
and 530 modules in one module
531 MIX
Small mixers aren’t that
531 MIX Small mixers aren’t that 531 MIX
glam, but this one has some pretty
useful features
and a selector switch for linear or
exponential response modes. The
540 Envelope Generator and LFO has
two independent ADSR envelope
sections (with two speed settings and
‘normal’ and inverted outputs) which
can be triggered externally from a
Gate signal or manually via an
onboard button. One nice addition to
this modern version is the ability to
switch into an LFO-like cyclic mode,
with the shape and frequency
determined by the Attack and
Release times. The LFO section
features fi ve waveform output, LFO
start, reset and delay and CV control
of frequency. The fi nal part of the
‘Complete’ bundle consists of the
multi-function 572 Phase Shifter,
Delay and LFO. There is nothing like
a phase shifter for adding movement
512 VCO
Two oscillators with
521 VCF
Two independent sections
521 VCF Two independent sections 521 VCF
Short on modular space?
531 MIX
Small mixers aren’t that
531 MIX Small mixers aren’t that 531 MIX
these were a pleasure to use. If you’re
looking to add some of the famed
sonics to your existing setup, then the
510 Synth Voice Module would make
a great purchase. Want the complete
magic? Buy them all!
Roland System 500 Series modules | Reviews
FMU337.rev_roland.indd 91 03/10/2018 16:13