User guide

Installing V-Producer
Exit all currently running software (applications).
Insert the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.
Double-click the V-Producer Installer Installer icon (found in the English
- for OS 9 folder of the CD-ROM) to start up the installer.
Verify the [Install location], and click [Install].
Follow the on-screen instructions to proceed with the installation.
When installation is completed, a message telling you that “Installation is
completed” will appear. Click [Quit].
If you are using a virus
checker or similar software,
e sure to exit this as well.
About memory
The “Memory is full ...” error may appear if you open a large song or run
out of memory while editing a song, or depending on the monitor resolution
and color depth. It will not be possible to load files or edit further. If this
occurs, exit V-Producer. Then, in the Finder, click “V-Producer” to select it.
Next, from the Finder menu, choose File - Get Info - Memory, and under
Memory Requirements, increase the amount of memory used by V-
*If you will be loading samples of the maximum length (150 seconds stereo; 300
seconds monaural), we recommend that you increase the memory allocation to
192 MB or more.
In the Finder, select the V-
Producer icon. Then, from
the Finder menu, choose
File - Get Info - Memory,
and under Memory
Requirements, Preferred
Size of Memory