Instruction manual

UltraVista Plus Installation and Operations Manual 11
Selecting Custom allows the timing parameters to be edited. It should be
noted that you will need to select between definition of Pixel Clock or
Vertical Refresh since these are mutually excusive parameters.
Once edited, clicking OK writes the preferred mode into the EDID but may
not normally affect the input mode that is being captured. It may be
necessary to force the graphics device in the host machine to detect the
new modes, this can be done by selecting Detect on the Screen Resolutions
dialog box (Windows® 7) or by disconnecting the source from the x4 and
All modifications to the input settings can be save as a .vqs file, removing
the requirement to input the same settings again. To save the settings select
the Save… command in the File menu. To open a saved .vqs file select the
Open… command.
Input Capture Regions
Each output of the x4 can select a different region of the input source image.
This dialog displays the settings of each region (region 1 corresponds to
output 1 etc). The numbers denote the top, left, width and height
coordinates of the region that is to be displayed. Note, these are described
in terms of the current active input resolution. If the input resolution
changes, the capture region coordinates scale to the new input resolution in
order to maintain the same proportions.
To modify any of these settings click on Modify to display the edit dialog.