Operation Manual

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Warming-up – Cooling down
A successful exercise starts with a warm-up and is completed with a cool-down. Run through all of the exercises two or three
times a week and take a day o in between the exercise days. After a few months you can extend the number of exercises
to 5 to 6 times a week. The warm-up is of crucial importance before starting your workout. You will be preparing your body
for the e ort you are about to exert. In order to prevent muscle problems, you need to cool down after the exercises. We
recommend the following warm-up and cool-down exercises.
Head exercises
Turn your head to the right and feel the tension in your neck. Turn your chin up to the ceiling while opening your mouth.
Turn your head to the right and  nally let it drop to your chest. Repeat this exercise several
Shoulder exercises
Raise your left shoulder and then your right shoulder while you are dropping your left shoulder
down again at the same time.
Stretching exercises for your arms
Stretch your left arm towards the ceiling. Then do the same with your right arm while you drop
your left arm down again at the same time. Feel the tension in your right and left sides. Repeat
this several times.
Thigh stretching exercises
Sit on the  oor and place your feet together so that your knees are pointing outwards. Pull your
feet as closely as possible against and into your groin area. Carefully push outwards on your
knees towards the  oor. If you can, repeat 15 times.
Stretch inner thigh and legs
Place one hand against the wall and reach back with your other hand to lift up your right foot.
Bring your heel as closely as possible against your thigh. Repeat this 15 times, then do the same
with your left foot.