Operating instructions

Page 130 Power Equipment Usage Manual (Rev. 5/10)
Methods of application: Plastic bottles for fine applications; glue may also be spread with a roller
spreader or brush.
Cleanup: Damp cloth while glue is wet. Scrape off and sand dried excess.
Gluing Tips:
More is not better - Excessive amounts of glue will cause imperfections in staining of the
finished project, even if the area has been cleaned with a damp cloth.
If you clamp the wood, it is best if you have paper between the clamps and the wood as this will
ensure rust stains are not transferred from the clamps to your project.
You must keep the work table clean by putting paper between your project and the table.
When gluing two pieces of wood together:
Face Grain patterns should be going in the same direction (below)
Alternate cup patterns of End Grain to prevent future warpage (below)
Minimum recommended clamp time for small projects (wood of 3/4” or less) is 1/2 hour.
You may begin minimal work without stressing the glue bond in 2 hours.
No glue project may be run through the sanders until it has dried overnight (or at least for 4
hours) so that you do not gum up the sanding belts. Glue that has not properly cured will be
transferred to the sanding belts, which will damage the equipment and cause wood burns for
you and for the next users of the sander.
Full strength time for the glue is 24 hours (per Manufacturer).
32.3. Glue-up Identifying Information Required
When you glue and clamp, you must stow your materials out of the way, and you must leave the
following information on a piece of paper taped on the wood (especially important if you leave the shop
while your glue is setting up) – information that includes:
1) Your name
2) Your phone number
3) An indication as to when the clamps can be taken off (no longer than 4 hours after clamping)
4) An indication as to when you left the shop and when you plan to return