Operating instructions

Page 6 Power Equipment Usage Manual (Rev. 5/10)
Patterns for many projects
Specifics about wood tools and power equipment
Wood carving
While not every issue of each periodical is available, many are. Periodicals and an index (blue binder and
on computer) for ideas, projects, and specific plans include:
American Woodmaker
Fine Woodworking
Popular Woodworking
Woodworker’s Journal
A computer is available in the library that contains the Woodworker’s Guide, a database of periodicals
that allow members to search by project name.
All members are encouraged to utilize the library, however we ask that:
1) If you remove material from the library, please leave a note with your name, what you removed
and the date.
2) You must return it the next day and replace it in its proper location (we do not have a librarian
and it is only a courtesy to put the material back for the next woodworker).
If you have personal copies of any of the missing volumes, we welcome them in the library.
Finally, remember that these periodicals are for all members to use. Removal of an issue for any
purpose is only allowed overnight.
3.1.3. Recommended Internet Sites
The Internet has proven to be a priceless asset to woodworkers through the sharing of information on
personal web sites and dedicated forums. Here are just a few recommended websites, many more web
links can be found on the Woodworkers Club website: